Bank of America Prepaid Mobile App FAQs

Is my online Username and Password the same for the App?

The Username and Password used on the App are not connected to the Username and Password used on the Prepaid website. They may be set upwards as the same merely information technology is non required.

Why do I take to create an account?

You'll need to create a new App account for Prepaid Mobile Services since this service is separate from our other services that Bank of America or its affiliates also provide. Prepaid Mobile Services do non crave you lot to enroll in other services outset.

How do I sign in?

Sign in with the Username and Password you created for your Prepaid Mobile Services account, which are dissimilar from credentials yous may have created to use our other services. If yous chose the "call back me on this device" selection the last fourth dimension yous signed in on the device, you generally will simply demand to enter your password.

How do I add a card?

You volition be prompted to add a card after you create your account. If y'all don't add a carte du jour immediately, yous volition be asked to add a bill of fare when you sign in again. Yous can also add additional cards by selecting the plus symbol (+) in the upper right corner of the transaction/remainder screen.

How do I edit my card information?

Tap the card paradigm of the card y'all want to edit

How do I manage my account data?

To manage your account, go to your User Contour nether Settings to edit your password, email address and mobile phone numbers. This will only update your Prepaid Mobile Services contour. You will besides need to update your website profile (if Applicable).

Volition changes made on the App update my profile for the website?

Changes made to your e-mail or phone number in your profile settings volition not update your information on the Prepaid website.

If y'all are, all the same, changing the e-mail or telephone number in your mobile Alert Settings under the Alerts Pick, this will as well update the warning settings on the website.

Tin can I suspend my card?

Yes. If you lot have temporarily misplaced your card and don't want to authorize new purchases or transfers you may choose to suspend your menu through the mobile App or website.

A suspended menu will notwithstanding permit some action such as: credits, dispute adjustments, deposits, fees and previously authorized purchases.

Mobile App –

one. Select the circumvolve icon with three dots on the residue/transaction screen

ii. Select Bill of fare Controls

3. Toggle the Append switch

iv. A window will announced asking the user to ostend the action, select Append

5. Your card is now suspended from use.

Website –

1. Navigate to "My Settings."

2. Select Append Card.

3. A confirmation screen will display.

4. Select Suspend to confirm the action

5. Your menu is now suspended from use.

How do I reactivate (unsuspend) my carte?

To reactivate (un-suspend) a card, simply login to the mobile App or the website.

Mobile App –

1. Navigate to the transaction/balance folio for the suspended card.

2. Select reactivate.

three. A confirmation screen volition display.

four. Your bill of fare is now active and ready for use Website – upon login

5. Select Reactivate Card forth the top of the folio afterward sign on.

If y'all navigate to different pages while on the website before you reactive (un-suspend) the card, the reactivate bulletin will be lost.

To reactivate:

1. Navigate to "My Settings."

2. Select Reactivate Card.

3. A confirmation screen volition display.

iv. Select Reactivate to confirm the action

5. Your card is now agile and ready for use.

What happens when I delete my profile?

When you lot delete your contour on the App, we will delete your Prepaid Mobile Services business relationship from this phone and all of the associated personal information and card information that nosotros've nerveless from you from this phone.

Yous will no longer accept access to your Prepaid Mobile Services account on the App.

Your cards and accounts you may take created for other services unrelated to the Prepaid Mobile Services will non be affected. You can continue to use your other cards and access other services after deleting your contour.

To re-add a card that was previously deleted, select the Add together Card option under Settings.

Who do I contact if I am having problems with the App or card?

Please call the number on back of your carte.

Why do I need to verify my email address?

We will occasionally send you account management messages to notify you of activity on your Prepaid Mobile Services account. For your security, nosotros verify your email address to ensure you are the possessor of this business relationship and can receive these letters.

What do I exercise with the email verification lawmaking?

One time you receive your electronic mail verification code, return to the Bank of America Prepaid App and enter the code to confirm your email address.

I haven't received a code to verify my email accost. What practise I do?

The verification lawmaking may take a few minutes to arrive in your inbox, depending on your connexion and e-mail service. If you still oasis't received the code, you can request another code from the App.

How many incorrect login attempts do I become before my account is locked?

The App volition lock if 5 failed attempts are consecutively entered. One time locked out the password must exist reset through the Forgot Password characteristic.

How do I unlock my business relationship due to failed login attempts?

Select Forgot Password and follow the steps displayed on the App to reset your countersign.

Can someone become my card number or personal information from this App?

We do non store account data on your device unless you've turned on quick admission which displays your remainder before you log in.

Nosotros use SSL to encrypt your personal and business relationship related information.

We recommend not storing your User ID or Countersign in other Apps (such as notes or memo pad) so if your phone is lost or stolen; the login information is not accessible.

Will I ever be asked to share my User ID or Password?

No, Bank of America will never asking your Username or Password. Some websites and software offering tools or assistance with managing your accounts. If you give them your Username and countersign, y'all may take chances unauthorized action or fraud on your account.

If you lot have already provided your Username and Password to a tertiary political party and want to protect yourself, delight modify your password immediately. If you meet suspicious activeness, please report it immediately by calling the number on the back of your menu.

What are some tips to avoid fraud?

Sometimes criminals will try to trick individuals into disclosing personal information in a text, email or on a telephone telephone call. Phony emails may direct you lot to a fraudulent website that looks like a Bank of America website. These phony emails may fifty-fifty enquire you to call a phone number and provide business relationship data. Please remember that:

  • Bank of America will never enquire yous in an email or text to disembalm whatever personal information, such every bit your Social Security Number, Pin (Personal Identification Number) or Prepaid Carte du jour Number
  • Offers that sound likewise good to exist true often are. You may be asked to fill up out a brusk survey in commutation for money being credited to your business relationship at the account number you provide. Bank of America will never request your information in this manner
  • Claims that your business relationship may be closed if you lot fail to confirm, verify or authenticate personal data are not from Depository financial institution of America

If you receive a suspicious e-mail or are directed to a website that besides looks similar Bank of America, report information technology to [email protected] and so delete the suspicious email.

For additional information on preventing Fraud, delight visit

Can I add my personal Bank of America credit or debit card to this App?

No. This App is for Bank of America prepaid products only.

Are there fees to use the Depository financial institution of America Prepaid App?

Nosotros do non charge a fee merely bulletin and data rates from your mobile telecommunications service provider may utilize.

What are alerts?

Alerts are notifications nosotros transport you regarding activity on your card. Yous tin subscribe to receive alerts by navigating to "Alerts".

How practise I receive alerts?

You lot can choose to receive alerts through text messaging or email. If you lot cull text messaging, y'all will receive messages from either 868472 or 288472.

Please note: Message and data rates from your mobile telecommunications service provider may apply.

How practice I manage my Alerts?

You can manage your alerts, including how you desire to receive your alerts, inside your application on your mobile phone. To manage your alerts:

i. Select the Menu icon.

2. Select Alerts.

3. Select a card to manage alerts.

4. The next screen will display commitment methods and the alerts currently available.

five. Select Edit to manage your electronic mail or phone number data.

half dozen. Toggle alerts on or off

Why is the contact information for prepaid alerts separate from the contacts I have added to my business relationship?

For prepaid alerts, yous can manage and use the contact data directly associated with your prepaid carte. Any changes made using this service will be applied to your prepaid carte business relationship.

To manage your prepaid card contact information, navigate to Alerts for your prepaid menu and select "Delivery Methods".

What is Quick Access?

Quick Admission is a feature that allows y'all to view your card balance without having to sign into the App.

Please refer to Section 4.6 of the Bank of America Prepaid Mobile Services Terms and Conditions for additional data on this feature.

How do I turn on and off Quick Access?

one. Select Menu icon.

2. Select Settings.

3. Select Quick Access.

4. Toggle Quick Access on and off.

How do I access Quick Access?

Once y'all take turned on Quick Access from your App settings, tap on our logo towards the tiptop of the sign in screen to open Quick Access.

What if I want to delete my Prepaid Mobile Services account?

1. Select the Card icon.

ii. Select Settings.

3. Select Delete Profile.

4. A message "Are yous sure yous want to delete your profile?" volition appear.

5. Select Proceed.

half dozen. Once the profile is deleted you will no longer take access to the Prepaid Mobile App.

Yous will demand to re-enroll if yous desire access to the App over again.

Tin my Prepaid Mobile Services App session time out?

Yes, for security purposes after viii minutes of inactivity, the session will expire and y'all will demand to log in again.

How practise I reset my password if I forgot my password?

1. Select Forgot? In the Password section of the Log in screen.

two. Enter Username and select Send Instructions.

3. A verification e-mail volition exist sent to your master electronic mail address.

4. Enter the Verification code provided in the email on the Verify Electronic mail Accost screen.

5. Select Continue.

half-dozen. Enter a new password and confirm password on the Reset Password screen.

7. Select Reset Countersign.

What if I don't receive the Password reset email?

1. Tap on Send Some other Code.

2. A verification e-mail volition be sent to your primary email address.

3. Enter the Verification code provided in the email on the Verify Email Address screen.

four. Select Go along.

5. Enter a new countersign and confirm password on the Reset Password screen.

half dozen. Select Reset Password.

If you are nevertheless not receiving the verification email, bank check your spam or junk folder to meet if the e-mail was accidentally placed in that location. Sometimes the spam filter catches the email.

Note: If you are using a piece of work/employment e-mail address and not receiving emails, confirm the email accost and check your spam folders. Then have your employer cheque to see if this blazon of email will be blocked.

The link with the Forgot Password electronic mail does not work?

The link within the Forgot Password email is merely agile for 30 minutes. If you try to click on information technology after that time catamenia, you'll receive an mistake message. You will need to get through the Forgot Password process again to request another forgot countersign email.

The limit to reset your password is 4 times within 24 hours.

How many characters can be in my password?

Must be 7-32 Alphanumeric with at to the lowest degree one numeric value. The password cannot exist ascending or descending sequence (e.thousand., 123456789, 987654321) and ane digit cannot make upwards over half the password.

What if I forgot my Username?

1. Tap Forgot side by side to the Username on the Log in Screen.

two. A system e-mail will be sent to the primary email address you used to enroll into the Prepaid Card App.

What if I modify wireless carriers?

If y'all practice not alter your mobile phone number and mobile device when you switch to another participating wireless carrier service, your service volition work without interruption.

If you do change your mobile device but not your telephone number:

1. Download the App to your new mobile device.

two. Log in to the App as usual.

What if I upgrade my mobile device?

If you lot upgrade your mobile device, yous volition most likely proceed your current mobile number with your new device.

You can download the awarding once again and use your existing credentials to access your mobile account.

If possible, delete the application from y'all old mobile phone before disposal.

Do I need to register again if I modify my mobile phone number?

No, yous can log in to the App with your existing credentials.

You will demand to update the phone number within the App.

1. Select the menu icon

2. Select settings

3. Select manage phone number

4. Edit the existing phone number with the new phone number

5. Save changes